Release Notes Update: 02/01/2022

Last updated: September 20th, 2023

February 2021 Release Notes with Albi logo


    What’s New Desktop?

    • Ability to create and manage work orders

    • Ability to create and manage purchase orders

    • Added “Bulk Delete” for estimate items

    • Ability to create custom relationship statuses

    • Ability to use relationship status on organizations and contacts

    • Ability to add Company Logo under company setting

    Bug Fixes:

    • Android camera stability improvements and bug fixes

    • Drybook bug fix to show equipment and moisture points after completing sketch on chamber summary

    • Bug fix that caused the app to crash fix when opening the vehicle page

    • Bug fix that caused the app to crash sometimes when opening the project’s basic information

    • Bug fix that prevents auto-selection of using customer address on an existing customer with an address when creating a new project

    • Android bug fix when sending email from mobile app

    • Android bug fix preventing selection of wall length in drybook

    What’s New Mobile?

    • Remove the requirement for a deductible amount when creating a new project when the project is a covered loss

    • Ability to select a reading date when creating new moisture point readings in drybook

    • Correct image capture orientation issues when taking landscape and reverse portrait pictures

    • Improved UI layout for Android drybook sketching

    • Improved UI experience to show loading when scrolling through lists

    • Improved project search responsiveness

    • Changed the project detail page’s status change slider to a drop-down

    What you should do now

    1. Get a Free Demo and see how Albiware can help solve your restoration software challenges.
    2. Read more articles in our blog.
    3. If you know someone who’d enjoy this article, share it with them via Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, or email.