Encircle Integration

The best of restoration job documentation & project management platform join forces!

Albi Encircle Logos

Seamlessly sync Albi with Encircle 2 ways to ensure that your documentation is all in the right place!

Helping you produce more jobs, and get paid faster!

When a project is created in Albi, the project is automatically created in Encircle. When photos, documents, and reports are created in Encircle, they are automatically added in Albi’s file manager for that project!

Your techs can still create moisture maps, contents inventory, and photos in the app that they love and are used to!

Combine Encircle & Albi’s documentation together into one package to send to the insurance company! Fast & Easy!

All of your Encircle documents, reports, and photos sync seamlessly in your projects’ file manager!

Create PDF reports with all files in your file manager, including Encircle photos! Eagleview reports, Moisture Maps created in Albi, Work Authorizations signed in the field, and contracts sent for a signature!

With our built-in email function, you can send out project reports, and project files, or Encircle photos & Documents out through email within 2 clicks!

Bonus Perk!

Subcontractors and technicians don't need Albi licenses!

No need to pay $60 per user per month for subcontractors or baseline technicians that only take photos! You can give them an Encircle login instead and all of their photos, documents, & moisture maps will still be recorded within Albi!

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