Kahi Integration

The best of restoration asset management & project management platforms join forces!

Seamlessly sync Albi with Kahi to ensure that you know where your assets are! Helping you produce more jobs, & get paid faster!

When a project is created in Albi, the location is automatically created in Kahi.

With Kahi’s Bluetooth beacons, you know where your equipment is at all times without having your technicians barcode scan them!

Justify your bill by showing time-stamped, geolocated reports of your equipment on projects! All without user input!

All of your Albi projects go straight to Kahi’s system. From here, Kahi’s bluetooth technology locates any equipment placed on this project. This eliminates the need to use barcodes or manual equipment placement, as well as streamlines equipment usage.

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View all of your equipment and what projects they’re on. See if the equipment is broken or needs attention. Seamless communication between the Kahi and Albi ecosystems.

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Equipment is automatically billed to projects according to to set price lists with customers. Even if you use applications like Xactimate, it’s nice to compare the accrued cost time and material wise to the actual estimate amount as a benchmark.

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Bonus Perk!

No Contracts on Either Kahi or Albi!

Both Albi & Kahi believe that the only way to keep restorers on board is by making them happy! Therefore, we don’t force restorers into long-term contracts or commitments. Instead, we continuously provide value by innovating and further developing within the restoration space!

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